I received a total hip replacement at the age of 19 and I’m here to give you some hip replacement advice. Whether you have already gotten your surgery or you are set to get it soon, I want to help you by letting you know that everything is not only going to be ok, it is going to be great.
I remember it like yesterday, laying on the operating bed getting ready to be wheeled in to surgery at 19 years old, scared of what was to come. I wasn’t sure what I would be able to do after my surgery, and I was even getting it done with the intention of making a come back to play baseball for the University of Arizona.
Here my hip replacement advice:
- Get your mind right, first. Lose the fear.Fear will not help you or serve you in any way, so just ditch it and start realizing that your life is about to improve a lot because of this surgery. Start the rehab process by proactively prehabbing your mind with this thought process. Your thoughts actually affect the molecular make up of your blood and your body, and by thinking positively about the entire situation prior to going in to it, you will be setting yourself up for tremendous success. Realize that this is a practice that needs to be consistently reinforced in your mind, heart, and spirit. Be positive and grateful that you are getting this surgery.
- Realize that you are lucky.Hip replacement surgery is one of the most common and surgeries performed in the world. It is ones that continues to have its technology advanced EVEryday. So I repeat, YOU ARE LUCKY TO BE GETTING A HIP REPLACEMENT. We live in a time that has allowed us the good fortune to be able to have this surgery and take our pain away. Furthermore, if you realize how lucky you are, you will start to become more conscious of so many other aspects of your life from nutrition to simple acts of kindness. This surgery will help you to raise the vibration in your soul if you allow it and cultivate this mindset.
- Find yoga.Learn about it and begin practicing as much as you can. You will quickly find that yoga will introduce you to a community of inspiring and loving people who want to help you. You will serendipitously find great teachers that will take an interest in helping you, especially if you go with an open heart and mind and a willingness to receive help. Finding yoga was the best thing that ever happened to me and I continue to practice yoga physically, mentally, and spiritually EVEryday. I am so grateful for finding yoga and I can’t scream it from the mountain tops loud enough that I want everyone to practice it with me. It’s simply shape shifting, literally and physically.
So, thats it. You can see that two of these three nuggets of hip replacement advice are mental, and the third is physical. And in reality, yoga is actually mostly mental as well. So focus on your mindset. This life is all about your mindset and how you think about things. Nourish and cultivate your mind and continue to remind yourself how lucky you are to be alive in a time with so much technology that can take away the day to day struggle and pain you are experiencing.
Go kick some ass and start inspiring people. Its your responsibility now. Life is too short to wallow. Soak it up.
One love,